mental flotsam and jetsam


(misc. “toys” found underneath of one couch…poor FisherPrice Noah is back there, face down, gasping for breath as I freed him from 3lbs of dog hair. It’s a jungle under there.)

My thoughts are scattered tonight so bear with me…

Should I number them?


let’s try it.

1.  I just put two Dove dark chocolate hearts back into the cupboard when I looked inside and found that Mark picked up a box of NutterBars.  In my mind, I subtracted  2 candies for 1 bar… therefore I made an excellent choice in favor of good health.

And I wonder why I am woefully out of shape.

2.  I never drive anymore.  At most, I might get into the driver’s seat of a vehicle once every 7-9 days.  I am amazed at how quickly the skill of driving has slipped away from me these past 21 months.  I find myself easily distracted, slow reaction time and my night driving is terrifying.  How on Earth did this happen so fast?

3. I ate a SlimJim the other day. A tiny 4 inch stick. Good grief, that was the most awful thing I have had in my mouth..maybe ever.  What on Earth are those things?

4. Why do the VeggieTales characters not have hands? In earlier episodes they were limited in what they did ( the theme songs has Larry saying to Bob, after Bob suggests that Larry play guitar, “Bob, I don’t have any hands….”

Yet in more recent shows they are doing everything that someone would do with hands…the items floating around mid-air as if their arms were invisible…you made vegetables talk…how were hands a far-fetched idea?

5. Why is it everytime I buy a bread that is anything other than white or wheat…oh, say…cinnamon raisin or something with 72 grains in it…they have it wrapped in a bag and then in another bag?  Am I the only one that tears open the inner packaging and then puts it all in the regular bread bag part?

6. Mark did not get the job that he had three interviews for.  After weeks of waiting, he finally called them and they left a voicemail, this evening, that they went with someone else.  I am very very sad for him. What he is doing now, at this very moment that I am typing, is killing him physically.  I don’t know how many more days he can do this…he won’t admit defeat and cares too much about our family to give up.

Yet I spend my days grumbling and feeling pretty much fed up with my life by 7:30pm each evening.

I am an ungrateful booger face.

7.  I subscribe to Google Alerts.  In case you did not know, you can have Google email you anytime a certain phrase, or name, is found. I have the term “urea cycle disorders” on Google alert. In the last week there has been several new “hits” on that phrase and are for really important research articles that I cannot access without paying a subscription fee.

But when I open up my browser everyday and see “Inherited Metabolic Disorders and Stroke Part 1…” and “Regulation of Cellular Metabolism by Protein Lysine Acetylation” it makes me nuts that I do not have access to those journals.

I really have a gut feeling I need to read that article on strokes.

For Corrigan’s sake. I need to learn about ALL of it. Not just what the doctors spoonfeed me.

8. Man, this post is boring.

9. I spent an hour today pruning my blog reader list. I go through strange phases with the blogs that I read…for awhile it was nothing but

9a. Photography blogs

9b. I then fell in love with Mormon mommy bloggers ( seriously…modest, crafty and in love with Motherhood…we might not believe the same things but I admire their devotion to a womanly life)

9c.  then a sordid period of nothing but celebrity gossip blogs

9d. A time when I read nothing but news blogs…both national, international and local

9e. A long list of homeschooling blogs ( because I am leaning towards teaching Corrigan, at home, as soon as I can get some clarification as to his possible learning delays/issues)

9f. and recently, I went through a fit of nearly nothing but shabby chic/home decorating and seamstress blogs. 

I do not sew. Or paint. What in the world?

I am exhausted.

So today I pruned…I moved out 29(plus) blogs…and my list is so manageable now that I do not even have to scroll to see the entire thing.  I think what I want now is just plain old honesty.  A nice mix of humor, reality and a devoted community of people willing to share ideas.  Everyone is out there blogging for a buck now (or trying, I’d think the market is a bit…uh..saturated right now)  or attempting to get companies to send them free stuff to review.

My list now makes me happy. An ecclectic list of bloggers that are some of the same ones from the lists above ( I dont’ care if am never able to sew a ruffle or a zipper, some of these crafty gals just wow me everday and I am hooked) , a few new folks I found through SITS (The Secret is in the Sauce ) and some old faithfuls that feel like family.

I still have a Favorites list a mile long though…I did not want 29 people to just go away forever (though I did make some internet “blog dating” mistakes…just not compatible in the long run…it’s not you, it’s me, honest.)…but my blog  feed is now for the people I cannot wait to read and doesn’t feel so overwhelming. 

 *obsessively clicks “refresh list” everytime I sit down*

(full disclosure, someone actually sent me Corrigan a product to use and review. It seems like something very useful to his eating delays but he won’t even look at it, let alone attempt to use it…so it is sitting on a shelf until he catches up a little bit)

I think I am just bored with the internet.

and I think that this post is contributing to the boredom of your internet experience. ha.

10. Corrigan’s LeapFrog Alphabet Pal just went all “Bride of Chuckie” on me and started playing music out of the blue and then the “voice” slowed down and got really deep. It is an alphabet centipede, so it has lots of legs to hold a knife. If those Veggies can do it without visible fingers…this thing surely can, right?  

I pretty much need to call an exorcist.

11. This post is over.





7 thoughts on “mental flotsam and jetsam

  1. I love you. This post made me laugh so hard. When life leaves you scatter brained, just sit back and appreciate it. Laugh 🙂 It’s SO good for you.

    Love you always,
    Monka Mary


  2. Mindy,

    We have this doll house which has a bell that you can push to ring. At random moments that bell goes off, when we are eating, sleeping, watching tv, anything…send the exorcist to our house next.

    I can check if my company has access to those journals and try to get the articles. Can you send me more details (journal name, etc.). Since we do so much research we subscribe to a lot of journals. I use this to get info too, so just let me know.

    Btw, I agree, veggies can talk, then logically, they can have hands too!

    Much love,


    • Sairah I will send the links to you later today! Right now, the little monkey needs some exercise so I have decided to just “go with it” And make him an indoor trampoline. Hope we don’t break any bones….sheesh.


  3. Is it possible to love you even more? This is so NORMAL sounding and I adore the thought processes you have. Wish I was half as talented as you are with the writing and relating. You rock.


  4. Hi Mindy,

    I just left you an email on flickr…had NO idea any of this was going on(not very active on flickr anymore). You are amazing and your boys are beautiful. Wishing you and your family an eternity of health and happiness:)


Your comments are appreciated!